Bonnie Kneller
has been in private practice for 29 years. The first 4 years in Long Island, New York and the last 25 years in Tucson, Arizona. She has studied Jungian psychology and served on the board of Southern Arizona Friends of Jung and been an active member for over 20 years. She is trained in divorce recovery and specializes in couples counseling and blended families. She has studied the Imago Method with Harville Hendrix as well as Pairs which she utilizes in working with couples.
Bonnie has been trained in level 1 and 2 in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) which she utilizes in working with traumatized, anxious, and depressed clients. She has also studied visualization and relaxation techniques in working with clients who have chronic pain, sleep disorders, and somatic symptoms.
For over 30 years she has worked with adolescents in a variety of settings most recently, in education as a school social worker and a school guidance counselor. She facilitates multiple groups and provides crisis short term counseling to students and their families in a large diverse inner city high school. She created a staff wellness program, a TM meditation training program, and a diversity arts program at the school she’s been employed at for over 15 years.
Another area of professional interest has included studying holistic healing modalities such as: meditation, yoga, chi gong, massage, aroma therapy, radionics, homeopathy, and herbal therapy. As a member of the Arizona Integrative Wellness Coalition and The Institute of Noetic Sciences Bonnie continues to enrich her studies in these areas. She practices yoga and meditation regularly and has taken seminars in treating depression and anxiety with Amy Weintraub. She has participated in a variety of meditation trainings such as: TM (Transcendental Meditation), Heart Rhythm, and Mindful Meditation and has found these modalities to be most beneficial in helping some of her clients and students.
Bonnie was selected as a scholar to study the world religions of New York through the National Endowment for Humanities. She was 1 of 4 women selected to represent the Rotary Club of Port Washington on a professional group study exchange in Brazil. She has traveled extensively around the globe and enjoys learning about new cultures and people from other countries.
In her private practice Bonnie implements a variety of modalities and knowledge she has acquired over the last 30 years to best serve and assist her clients in achieving balance, wellness, and integration in their lives.